absinthe(absinthe studio手办)

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Absinthe ( / 눃梳骮 - s㦌ƒ/, French: [aps雌ƒt] ⓘ) is an anise -flavored spirit derived from several plants, including the flowers and leaves of Artemisia absinthium ("grand wormwood"), together with green anise, sweet fennel, and other medicinal and culinary herbs [1]大罗言酒 苦艾酒,英语:Absinthe /㦢s骮 AB-sinth 或 AB-santh;法语:Absinthe,是一种高酒精度数的饮料。 历史文献中通常称之为"绿仙子" (法语:la f㩥 verte)。 虽然有时它被误作为利口酒的一种,传统上苦艾酒瓶装时是不加糖的,因此,将其归类为烈酒。 苦艾 Ingredients, History, and How to Drink Absinth Written by MasterClass Last updated: Dec 2021 • 4 min read Learn all about absinthe, one of the most controversial spirits in modern history基本上楼上的回答说的很完全了。我认为在字典中讲Vermouth翻译成苦艾酒是不对的。最大的区别是,一般的Vermouth不是蒸馏酒,而是以某种果酒(比如葡萄酒)和各种玩意儿勾兑而成,Absinthe,那可是正经的蒸馏货。Absinthe has gained a romantic, nearly mythological reputation over the years La F㩥 Verte—the Green Fairy as it is sometimes known—is entwined with stories of writers, artists and bohemians, especially those of the belle epoque and Roaring Twenties But between the torrid legends of it inspiring hallucinations—even madness—there is an important and historic spiritABSINTHE翻译:苦艾酒。了解更多。 Such a lucrative, but competitive market meant that advertising assumed a vital importance for aperitif and absinthe producers, who could distinguish their merchandise and appeal to different consumer requirements苦艾酒ABSINTHE的歷史 經典調酒 Death in the Afternoon(午後之死) 五大苦艾酒推薦品牌 1拉斐巴黎客(La Fee Parisian) 2哈士柏(Hapsburg Absinthe) 3梵谷苦艾酒(Absente Van Gogh) 4綠骷髏艾碧斯(Poison Strong Absinthe Verte) 5艾碧斯寶石綠苦艾酒(FrukoIn 1910 Switzerland declared absinthe illegal Belgium had banned it in 1905 and the Netherlands in 1910 In 1912 the US Pure Food Board imposed a ban, calling absinthe “one of the worst enemies of man, and if we can keep the people of the United States from becoming slaves to this demon, we will do it”What Is Absinthe? Absinthe is a strong spirit created when a neutral alcohol is distilled with botanicals like anise, wormwood, fennel and other herbs and spices for a licorice-like flavor There are two main styles of absinthe, Swiss/French and Czech/BohemianThe best way to drink absinthe is to dilute it with water by pouring it over a sugar cube The traditional preparation is called an "absinthe ritual," and you can try the "absinthe drip" There's also a safe way to flame absinthe and, to ease into its distinct taste, cocktail recipes to mix upDiscover Dan's Daily complete guide to Absinthe & learn all about what is absinthe, how to drink it & more Order Absinthe/Green Fairy online from top brands like Mythe, LA Fee, etc, from Dan Murphy's @ lowest prices & make this flavoured spirit based cocktail at home using our recipes


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苦艾酒 酒精度 酒




    • Le Tourment Vert Absinthe 750ML - Liquor Barn
    • Absinthe | Green fairy absinthe, Absinthe, Alcohol bottles
    • Absinth Tunel Cannabis Absinthe Spanien 0,2 Liter, 6,95 € - Weinquelle ...
    • The Traditional Way to Drink Straight Absinthe
    • You don't need this setup to enjoy Absinthe but it definitely makes it ...
    • Barcelona Photoblog: Absinthe Tête - à - Tête
    • Absinthe: How the Green Fairy became literature’s drink Absinthe ...
    • Absinthe – Maison JACOULOT – Depuis 1891
    • Absinthesis – Absinthe Supérieure (Concept) – Packaging Of The World
    • Lucid Absinthe Verde 750ml | GABA




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